I had just seen the half moon
In a circle of azure light
And then a planet blinking
Through the branches of a tree
That danced with the singing wind
When the tinkling sound of bells
Reminded me that goats
Were grazing still
In those dark deepening
shades of night.
How can we have such beauty
And still close our hearts
To love.
How can we have come here
for this little moment on earth
And still not hear the dove.
What are we doing
While we careen
down the roadway of hate.
How are we so distracted
By the ways we have
Had to create
Such divisions, distinctions
Protracted conclusions
Based on emotions
We never examine
Or sate.
We repeat the mistakes
Of the humans before us
The conflict the horror
The strife
Despite all our casings
Of advanced technological life.
We have come for the beauty
The grief , the delight
Even the horror of night.
But we continue to turn to our neighbor
As if she has not done the same
We call her by some other name
So that all of the sorrow we’ve felt here
Can have someone different to blame.