Earth is waiting patiently
To take back
All the minerals
all the fibre
of this body
That were borrowed
On a contract limited in time.
An arrangement
with the force of gravity
To yield up just enough
to let it rhyme
and move about
within its mighty field
While earth continues
quietly to rest
Within its calm
And meanwhile, air
has silently agreed
To pass through
this funny thing,
the nose
and be drawn
into these stretching lungs
Which then pass on
that precious gas
To mingle once again
with earth
and allow
The magic dance of life
to continue
for a space.
And water runs
as it always will
with grace
Where it’s allowed
And fire fuels the dance
to keep everything
in motion
While what I may call I
Continues in its race
To understand its place
Before earth and water
Air and fire
Let go
of such a notion.
A Sip of Wine
Damn! What about
those birds that fly
Through the tops of the palm tree
there in front
of the neighbor’s house
Just at that moment when
The descending afternoon sun
Shines for a moment through
The layer of grey clouds
over the mountains.
How can they glint so golden
Flashing here and there
Through the dark pointed fronds?
It shouldn’t be possible
In this ordinary world
But there it is.
I saw it.
Just like that moment
When my mother,
the teetotaler desceded
from the Jewish schetles,
then having come to the great age
Of ninety six,
Sat before me in the restaurant
By the salt water
of the Pacific
On the opposite side
of the huge country
From all that she had known
for that entire lifetime
On the far side of everything.
The boats of the marina,
Bobbing in the pink water,
And my mother’s cheek
bathed in the warm orange light
Of the setting sun.
She had just asked,
“Can I have a sip
of that lovely white wine
you’re drinking?
It’s glowing with the light.”
And of course I said yes
and she took the glass
offered across the table
And sipped, savoring fully
a moment,
her focus turned within,
her head tipped slightly back
And her dark, crinkled eyes
then suddenly
bright with joy.
Subsiding back into her chair,
With a smile
that transformed the world
her hand still balancing the glass
that had turned into a goblet of
the most exquisite
chartreuse glow
What an incredible
burst of flavor
Just there in the cupping
of my tongue!
Like the scent of lemon blossoms
and the taste of warm sun!
I never knew wine could be like that.
I will savor it forever”
Then taking in
a long breath of joy
She looked at me with
The love beyond even
that of a mother for her child
and said,
“There are still wonders
To discover every day,
something new
and extraordinary,
Even after all these years
of living on this earth
there are things
I’ve never seen!
There’s reason to live
still another moment
to taste it here together.”
And perhaps
we will continue
for one more breath
Or two
Just to see
The River Walk

The Changing Weather
Part One
There is a rain
that falls through air
and lights it
with the glow of water.
It comes everywhere
at some time,
Even in the deserts
Where once
there were oceans
And in the oceans
where once
were green forests.
There is no time.
We know this now.
There is no separation of
molecules one
from another.
There is only some chance
that one of the smallest particles
is present now
In any given notch
in the myriad
of universes.
We know that when we look out
From a window
That it is not a window
outside us
Nor is the outside
not the inside.
We know this.
Feel it!
Practice the feel of it
With every breath you remember
Until the music of it
Vibrates everywhere
All at once.
Part Two
The eggman in the market
who observes his hens
Says they’re now running inside
And outside of their chicken house
With all the changing weather,
With the warm, then the cold
Then the wind, then the rain.
They do not like the rain
On their feathers.
The governments of the world,
he says, are changing
Like the chickens running
in and out
With all this variation
In the weather.
“Governments are driven by the weather
Like the hens”
he says,
In his accented French
of the Occitane.
Back Home From The Sea
- Rain, I want to speak with you
as I watch you fall,
now drops
now clouds of water
streaming, teaming down.
I want to tell you what I know
And as all our cells
can show.
Your liquid
Is the essence
of us all.
The sea is filled with you.
Each squall, each stormy night
Of silver falling, falling
shards of light
Is there within each drop, each puddle
Each muddy hole
on leafy forest floor
Each flooding river
Crushing all
within its flowing flight.
I want to say to you
that I have plunged
within your clearest depths
In seas that churn
And bays wherein
the deep of you
Lies quiet and serene.
I have smelled your salt
With strange desire
And sensed the bodies of your fish
As if my flesh were fins.
I watch you with contentment or
with that anxious anticipation
of your accumulating threat
From inside rooms
Kept warm with some strange
element of fire
I want to say to you
that your atoms
know not good nor bad.
No thoughts of hatred nor of joy
pass through any drop
Yet, your collective force
Can purify or destroy
Engender peace or strife.
Each living cell
Contains the what of you
Not charged with any job
but to be the medium
for the vibrancy of life.
Can you purify our lies?
Can you satisfy our cries
of thirst for common decency
For knowledge of our ties?
I want to talk to you
of this strange, stark
state of wonder
that you are me
and I am you
And somehow we are flowing
Now down, then under
Through all the streets
and all the streams
And all your states of being
Back then to the sea.
Suddenly, some balance somewhere
The stilling air of afternoon
has filled with swarms of gnats
And the swifts, gone for so long
Diving now and climbing
swooping in their zigzag flight
Appeared as from a secret niche
Hidden in some silent fold
In time and space
Called by a faint note, unheard
To eat their fill and then return
How quickly the balance scale can tip
And the unexpected be what is.
Soon neither swarming gnats nor swooping birds
Are seen
And the empty air of afternoon
Has changed its light
To suit the movement
Of the clouds
And the rhythm of the stream.
North Cape Webcam
As I clean up from our dinner
here in a small village in France
Walter tells me
There are eight people
watching North Cape, Norway’s webcam
at this moment.
And he is one.
I go to see what it’s like
In the northernmost fishing village in the world
Where the dark nights of September have come
and the streetlights on the edge of the harbor
Make undulating rivers of gold in the water.
I am captivated
And It is as quiet as an ancient fishing village would be
After the sun goes down.
There are no lights on in the houses
Everyone in them has gone to sleep.
But a big white van pulls out and drives down the road
out of the picture
Its lights for a moment
Reflected in a window.
And then again
I want to see the faces of the
other people
watching this peace with me.
First seven and
then four more who have joined us.
I want to see their eyes, watching calmly
while I feel our heartbeats slowing
and hear our breath going in and out
In bodies that all have lungs
And brains, and hearts to beat.
We would not talk,
Even if we could
We would just nod to each other
In kind recognition
Of what it is that drew us here
And captured us.
The love that peace brings
would be carried by the waves of light
Like the golden rivers on the water
of a dark harbor.
Summer Evening in a French Garden
How is it we got to talking,
As we sat out the light
Of a summer evening,
About fireflies?
How they danced in the air
Of our childhood
Making little holes of light
All around in our soul
That now dance as we watch them
In the vast darkness of our minds
Together in the growing dusk
Of the garden?
And that they’re different from
The glowworms of France
Whose little fires sit in ditches
And, in such stillness, signal mates.
No children run
and scoop these into jars
to make those lanterns that will shine
and glitter in the darkness
Of the sleep-night by their beds
Or do they,
The children in France?
The Weight of Rain
Blades of grass
bow under the weight
Of so many drops of rain.
The pores of all plants are open
Drinking those molecules made
In the dust of some long-gone stars
billions of years ago.
Those blades of grass do what they do
In the presence of sun and of wind
Anticipation of the moment to come
Is built in each vibrating cell
No choice to turn this way or that
No planning of any kind
Except that which was arranged by the atoms
Contained in the seed
From which their whole being has sprung.
Rest now. Unfold all your senses
The sun, the wind and the rain
know no tenses
They listen to no weather report
Plants will live or they’ll die
At the moment the sky
Gives them water or heat
That’s just right
or is suddenly
too much to bear.
Do not wait
With each breath
To know what comes next
Breathe the air
Breathe the air
Breathe the air.
At the Top
There are those who are focused on summits of things
The very highest points they can find.
They must somehow get to the top
No matter how hard the grind.
But in my mind (and my heart)
There is only the urge
To glide without weight to the start
Of that place where the surge
Of the light
Fills every last cell
With delight
And joy is as open as the vast June sky
Where, weightless,
The body takes flight.