Weeding in the garden
at the end of day.
A day of rain that came and came
and then stopped again
just as evening turned
And sun returned
Opening a window
onto that brief passage
of spring to summer skies
I weed the onions
and think how grateful
they now seem
for all that space and light.
They will, I know
Suddenly expand and grow.
I do not pull weeds
But thin instead the plants
that now compete
With those onions
we planted, gently, in the spring
that I wish will grow
as big and sweet and strong
As ever their heritage will allow.
The plants I pull
become the soil
that will then nourish
All this ground
And flourish from our toil
They are equal to the onions
But take another place
In this garden
That will, with all that grows
nourish blood
And become
in time
our bones.
Lovely 💜
Thank you so much, dear one. I miss you!